School Hours

The school day at Yahl Primary School begins at 8.55 am when all children go into their classes.

Recess time is from 10.45 – 11.05 am

Lunch time is from 12.50 – 1.45 pm which includes 10 minutes eating time from 12.50 – 1.00 pm.

The school day finishes at 3.25 pm.

Collection of Children During School Hours

Teachers are responsible for the children under their care during the school day and must know where they are at all times.

If parents need to collect children during school hours to take them to an appointment, they must report to the front office and sign the collection book. If a child is to be collected by someone other than a parent, the person responsible must contact the front office to inform them of arrangements.

It is also courteous to inform the child’s classroom teacher that they will be absent from class, so that they have the opportunity to make any necessary adjustments to teaching programs.

Term Dates


Term 1: Tuesday 28 January - Friday 9 April (11 Weeks)

Term Holidays: Saturday 10 April – Sunday 26 April

Public Holidays: Monday 9 March, Friday 10 April (Good Friday), Monday 13 April (Easter Monday).

Term 2: Monday 27 April - Friday 3 July (10 Weeks)

Term Holidays: Saturday 4 July – Sunday 19 July

Public Holidays: Monday 8 June (Queen’s Birthday)

Term 3: Monday 20 July - Friday 25 September (10 Weeks)

Term Holidays: Saturday 26 September – Sunday 11 October

Public Holidays: Monday 5 October (Labour Day)

Term 4: Monday 12 October - Friday 11 December (9 Weeks)

Term Holidays: Saturday 14 December 2018 – Sunday 27 January, 2019

Public Holidays: Friday 25 December (Christmas Day), Monday 28 December (Boxing Day), Friday 1 January, 2021
(New Year’s Day)